Mikis Taguchi

Branding for Japanese Bodyworker

Japan- Thailand 2023

He was born and grow up in northan part of Japan.

He was introduced to Reiki and Noguchi Seitai in 2008.

In 2011, when the tsunami hit the Pacific side of Japan, he took the initiative to go to a buddist temple which was an evacuation center and naturally began to touch and massage for victims.

This experience gave him a deep inspiration and in the same year he went to Chiang Mai, Thailand to learn Thai massage.

Since then he has taken many Thai massage courses, Chi Nei Tsang, Tok Sen, Chinese reflexology, Moxa therapy, Gua sha and other bodywork.

The fusion work of Thai massage and osteopathy "Osteothai" has been taught by co-founder David Lutt since 2016. Idea of Osteothai create his foundation and shape his practice.

In recent years, he has been actively researching Contact improvisation, Authentic movement, Craniosacral therapy, Biodynamics and Gestalt therapy, Wuotai osteodance, Katsugen undo as a somatic field.

More info: Mikis Website


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