Derivas de la Piel

editorial design for poetry book

Barranquilla - Colombia 2022

Derivas de la piel - poetry

Autor: Andrea Juliana Enciso

Each poem is a coordinate in that drift, delicately drawn by a woman who searched for herself and in that search covered an entire territory. Human, plant and animal natures that now know like the potter knows the moist earth he has in his hands.

Drift, exploration and territory are the keys to this poetic object that the reader has in their hands. But there is no territory that does not become a map under the hand that draws it, that writes it or that caresses it. It might seem that what this book offers us are maps of desire, love and heartbreak, but they are more than that. They are also the maps of amazement at the beauty of the animal lying on the bed (animal male); They are celebration and awareness of the early escape. Before the predator wakes up and attacks again (…) Lines that combine the verbs of discovery and conquest, terrain in which the author, conqueror and conquered, combines words with the wisdom of someone who reveals herself and the world from literary language.

Ilustration: Lv Noctva - Editor: Farides Lugo - Design: Geraldin Acevedo

More info: Mackandal Ediciones


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